Sunday, June 27, 2010


I was asked to do pictures this year for Fishers Pointe Cooperative Preschool. I knew it would be a great learning experience and it was! I want to say thank you to all the teachers and parents who were so great to me and allowed me to capture these memories. It was a LOT of work...more work than I thought would be involved in preschool pictures! It was also pretty challenging to get smiles out of some of them...ironically, the ONLY one I couldn't get at all was my nephew, Hayden.  He just hates to have his picture taken!  BUT, I learned a lot and met some adorable little cuties! Many of their parents were willing to sign my release so that I could share them here and use them in my portfolio. So without boring you too much, here they no particular order!




Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Super Sweet Siblings!

I had the pleasure of shooting these three adorable sibs this weekend. I did their preschool pictures (when Haylea lets me have more computer time I will share...I promise!) and they wanted to surprise their daddy for father's day with more pictures. SHHH...don't tell!

I did these black and white edits and I love the feel of them.  Soft and sweet.  Enjoy!