Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I finally ordered my lighting kit and backdrop stand!  I am waiting for my backdrops so I threw a blanket over my stand and snapped a few quick ones yesterday.  I caught a cute moment of Haylea and Ginger so I wanted to share even though the lighting is off and the pics themselves aren't that great.  But that is why I got it so I can practice!

Catching up and a change of plans!

I have decided that doing a 365 project while being a mommy of a 7 month old is rather difficult.  I have found that some days I remember around 10 pm that I haven't taken a pic and end up taking one just to take one.  That isn't really what I want to do because I want to take my time and practice with lighting and exposure.  I am still going to take pics when the opportunity arises but I think it will take the pressure off and I will be able to take better pics if I don't have to. 

So to catch up here are some recents that I have finally had a chance to post!  As I type this, Haylea is waking up so my computer time for the day is over!

My new toy!!!

Haylea wanted to help with the laundry!

And finally...my nephew Hayden turned THREE!  He had a soldier party and gave me his best strong soldier face!

Check out my sister the cake decorator!  Watch out Duff!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Tea Party!

I just stayed up til 2am editing these pics...I am going to be hurting tomorrow (or should I say today?)!  They are just too cute not to share!  These are Haylea's 7 month pictures...she had a tea party!

Yes...she is pooping in this one!

Love this face...Mom are you done yet?  I'm getting bored!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

7 Months!

My baby girl is seven months old today!  We celebrated by spending the day outside enjoying the beautiful spring day.

ISO 100
1/250 sec.
f/ 5.6

Tulips are coming up!!!
ISO 100
1/125 sec.
f/ 8

Peach Blossom...

My sister laughed at me when she saw me take this pic...I think it is pretty cool!

ISO 100
1/1600 sec.
f/ 3.5

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Springtime FUN!

Haylea and I spend the afternoon on Tuesday at Aunt B's house and played with Hunter and Hayden!  Since I didn't take any pics yesterday I did some cute things with these pics in photoshop.  Except I am so mad that I accidentally saved the B&W one of Hunter over the original!  OOPS...  I have it with my watermark though so if I ever print a copy I guess I can crop it off. 

I realize I need to work on consistency of my watermark placement!  I am all over the place.  Ha Ha

ISO 100
1/320 sec.
f/ 5.6

ISO 100
1/320 sec.
f/ 4.5

ISO 100
1/400 sec.
f/ 4.5

Monday, March 15, 2010


Ginger loves blankets.  She has a little ratty one from when she was a puppy that she plays with upstairs but when she is downstairs she likes to play with our blankets!  I decided she needed a cute blanket that she could cuddle with or play with and it would be all hers.

ISO 2500
1/15 sec.
f/ 3.5

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Just me...

My lame attempt at a self-portrait!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Around the House...and Here Comes Spring!

Here are last week's pics.  You thought I forgot didn't you!  My theme for the week was around the house and here comes spring!  Hopefully soon I can get some shots outside.

Haylea's Duckies saying HI!
ISO 100
1/20 sec.
f/ 3.5

ISO 1250
1/2 sec.
f/ 3.5

Haylea's Nightlight
ISO 100
1/2 sec.
f/ 3.5

Haylea's Easter Basket
1/8 sec.

ISO 100
1/8 sec.
f/ 3.5

ISO 1600
1/20 sec.
f/ 3.5

Haylea's Wall Art
ISO 100
1/20 sec.
f/ 3.5

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Puppy Love...

Here are 4 cuties from today!
ISO 1600
1/80 sec.
f/ 3.5

ISO 1600
1/80 sec.
f/ 3.5

ISO 1600
1/80 sec.
f/ 3.5

ISO 1250
1/60 sec.
f/ 3.5

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Playing with FIRE...

So we are trying to break the habit of napping in the swing.  Haylea is just getting too big for it and it is time for her to be a big girl and sleep in her bed at naptime like she does at night time.  I put her down in her bed and she actually stayed asleep and looked so sweet that I just had to take her picture.  I knew I was playing with fire!

Of course since it was dark I had to use a high ISO so they area bit grainy.  I tried to reduce the noise and adjust the color.  Not my best edits but I am still learning.

ISO 1250
1/5 sec.
f/ 3.5

ISO 1250
1/3 sec.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Just couldn't stand it...

Haylea's hair is just getting so long that I just couldn't stand it anymore and had to clip it back!  No...seriously, when is her hair gonna grow!?  I was able to get a bow to stay in it though so that is a good start!!
ISO 500
1/60 sec.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Haylea started pushing up on her knees!

ISO 800
1/100 sec.