Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Catching up and a change of plans!

I have decided that doing a 365 project while being a mommy of a 7 month old is rather difficult.  I have found that some days I remember around 10 pm that I haven't taken a pic and end up taking one just to take one.  That isn't really what I want to do because I want to take my time and practice with lighting and exposure.  I am still going to take pics when the opportunity arises but I think it will take the pressure off and I will be able to take better pics if I don't have to. 

So to catch up here are some recents that I have finally had a chance to post!  As I type this, Haylea is waking up so my computer time for the day is over!

My new toy!!!

Haylea wanted to help with the laundry!

And finally...my nephew Hayden turned THREE!  He had a soldier party and gave me his best strong soldier face!

Check out my sister the cake decorator!  Watch out Duff!

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